Ayurvedic Mouth

The Story - Manam

It’s very crucial to choose the right ingredients in its right percentage to make  any herbal formulation work. Indepth knowledge about the health issues to be dealt with and a certain connect with nature is mandatory. Dr. Uttam Raj used Ayurveda as a tool for human well being and harmony, decades ago.

Following this wonderful method doctor Uttam Raj, an exceptional Ayurvedic specialist formulated an effective Herbal mouthwash can act as a solution to numerous oral issues, before 53 years. 

He used 11 key ingredients like Haritaki, Nagakesara, Ela, Musta, Amalaki, Jatipala,Lavanga, Khadira, Tila and Karpura.

Astonishingly, such a magical formula was made about 53 years ago and even today the legacy continues in the name of Manam mouthwash oil from Ayurvedic Sounderya Prasadak. Get ready to experience great oral health and hygiene with this product.